Well not quite but at least it stops raining occassionally.
We had a voll programma weekend. On Friday, himself picked me and my bike up from work and we went off to pick up the hall wardrobe which we'd bought on one of those internet auctions. Anyway we took a left turn too soon and ended up doing a 75km detour through parts of Berlin which I didn't know existed. Also you would have sworn that we were driving in Scotland. Wee lochs, single track road and lots of trees. Back to the point... I don't think either of us realised that it was so heavy but we had fun humpfing it up 4 flights of stairs.
Saturday I had my striktreff in the Opera Cafe in Berlin but before that I went to the new LYS with spinning wheel in hand and it was declared as working and wunderschön. Also had a good chat with the owner and introduced her to the stricktreff group. She came along after she closed up for the evening. I also met some english speaking knitters too which is great. Sometimes I really miss speaking english. Okay so himself and I babble away in english sometimes too but we usually end up speaking our mix of everything because we're too lazy to translate everything. Started on the lovehearts socks and have now decided to frog them. The pattern is too loose and more importantly, I don't like it. I think I'll knit something else.
After the striktreff it was off to meet the band. Himself is the talented one in the family and is in a band called the Seamen of all things. He is trying to get them to change the name and even the threat of a t-shirt which says 'Seamen all over Europe' won't budge them. I'm off on a tangent again......
So, off to meet the band and wifes/girlfriends. I normally hate things like that but it was fun. A bit of an adventure getting there and I would have been cheaper in a taxi but I got a new pair of jeans out of it AND a new shirt. The heavens opened and I got soaked and of course I couldn't go to meet new people and drip all over their hall carpet. As it happens we were outside anyway so it didn't matter about the carpet but you know what I mean.
Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of my wee Daddy's deathday so I wasn't really in the mood for anything but went out for dinner and got drunk. Slept in this morning an didn't get to work until 9:45 Oops my bad. It happens. I've also got a tick bite which is itching like hell so think if its still red tomorrow then I might go to the docs and get it checked as they're rife this year and I don't want Limes disease.
Hi, I am a quiet member of the sock-knitting email list. I also have lots of experience with being the new person's partner in bands. I laughed at the "Seamen" comment. Perhaps you could suggest "Merchant Marines," which is still an English term for guys in ships. And not particularly funny :-)
Your weathe ris as basd a sours it seems. Cold and wet.
I love Germany and go there often though not yet to Berlin.
Hi Jules- I am back.. well I haven't been away , but as you know my DH was here and we had a bit of a vacation . He is back in the Congo and many family and friends "occasions" are behind us. First communion's confi's etc.. I hope to be back in touch with everyone and knitting and stitching regularly again, soon. Glad you are back to blogging I will link you to my blog;-)
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