Thursday, July 26, 2007

A touch of the Murphy's

I'm having another one of those days/weeks/months I think. You know, those times where nothing seems to go right and everything that can go wrong will go wrong? The separate actions fall directly under Murphy's Law however when it apears to be more of a virus which will eventually clear up then its a Touch of the Murphy's.

List of Bad things

  1. Got knocked off my bike on Tuesday

  2. Couldn't get toe up sock right at all.

  3. Ripped out Collinette jiterbug socks 4 times

  4. Ripped out again when I got home after strick treff as I didn't like the pattern and it was too stretchy.

  5. argued with my colleague

  6. Frank bought huge sideboard for a euro and now we can't get it upstairs or in the cellar.

  7. Not getting my knitting time this morning

  8. Back light on bike dying last night

  9. Harry Potter dying on page 536 (joke)

  10. Managed to post this on the wrong blog

Okay so some things have been gonig well too and I'm just whinging and being a grump.

List of good things

  1. Found pattern in my favourite socks for the jitterbug

  2. Went to stricktreff last night and didn't get knocked off my bike or rained on

  3. Made up with colleague

  4. Stalin has calmed down and is now only Atilla the Hun(my boss)

  5. Found new rugby club which will be playing 15-a-side.

  6. Got Colin's toe up right by the 2nd go

  7. Manged to delete entry from wrong blog

Here's a photo of my stricktreff in TeaTheTee or whatever its called. Its not our normal treffing spot but, as our usual haunt was on holiday, we had to find somewhere else to click the sticks. Last night's treff back in the Aurum and was good fun. There wasn't that many of us there but we ended up having a discussion about language history and blunders. Language blunders are one of my favourtie and I abousolutely love it when folks here ask about becoming sausages. I also like making mistakes myself. Maybe I should write more german and see what kind of hillarity comes from it. Acutally I dunno, there's a difference between writing e-mails in bad german and writing blog in bad german. Knowing my luck I'd probably get put in prison by the german grammar police for grammatically gross misbrauch.
Tonight I'm gonig to be cycling miles to the rugby training. Its my first rugby training in over a year so I'll probably be in agnoy tomorrow. I love the german word for muscle ache caused by excercise 'musclekarte' I hope I've spelled that correctly or the spelling police might get me but anyway it literally translates as muscle hangover. Brilliant! Its a much better word that 'Strickjacke'
And because I will have my muscle hangover tomorrow I expect sympathy and chocolate :o)


Julie said...

Hi Folks,

My blog is currently blocked by the spam prevention robot. They're busy finding out whether or not I'm a real person so bear with me please and I'll be back writing my usual drivel soon.
p.s. I've updated the settings so that anyone can leave comments

Anonymous said...

Danke für die Änderung der Kommentareinstellung und bis bald

Julie said...

To quote Blogger:
'Spam blogs can be recognised by their irrelevant, repetitive or nonsensical text'
That would explain why I'm still blocked. Still no message to tell me when I'll be unblocked and its day 3!!!!!!! I am not impressed with these bloody robots.