I wasn't the only one. Most of the srticktreff maedels felt the same way and we ended up packing up our stuff early and just chitchatting for a while before heading home a whole hour before normal. Still I did come home with the new filati book thanks to Bettina (thank you) Its got some really nice designs in it which I quite fancy knitting up soon.
When I came home I ripped out the embossed leaves and started designing my skull and
crossbones for the st pauli argyle socks which I want to knit. As Im not working this morming (still a bit woozy from yesterday's migrane) and its no longer so hot and sticky. I knitted a swatch. Yes me readers, ME. I actually knitted a swatch. Now normally I never swatch for socks. I do occassionally for other projects but for socks.....well....this is the first time. Okay so the colours are not what I'll be using but it will be the same make of yarn. However before I go out and get the other colours I need I think I'll make a very loud pair of argyles just for fun and to practice. Glad I've got the jolly roger all sorted though. I'think they will make very fun socks when I get around to knitting them.
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