The weekend went well. NL won against the Elfenbeinkuste as they say in Germany. Exciting stuff. I caught the first half on the radio on the way home from work and the 2nd half in Tig Bara. Afterwards we found the best tapas bar in the world. Its taken a long long time but we've finally found one that's better than Genadio's. I'm not even sure what its called. JvD gave it an 8 in the lekker Amsterdam but he doesn't know what he's talking about. Anyway we booked it for the wedding.

Oh that's the other thing. We're getting married before we bugger off to Berlin. So we've got the food booked and the party booked. We've also got the rings ordered from . They're in the photo above. Ours are slightly different. We've got platinum instead of rose gold. We've also got an option on the date which we will confirm on Thursday. I've finally got all the paperwork sorted. Hopefully they won't decided that we're getting married for an NL passport and cause problems. I don't think they will.
Over the weekend I got half of the bedroom fixed up and looking gorgeous. New curtains up and a few boxes cleared out. I even tidied up. Shock Horror. We're getting there slowly. We also bought loads of plasterboard for the garden house ceiling so that will be looking gorgeous too and we can get on with the other jobs in the house.

Finally for today. On Saturday I bought the cutest Birki's ever. The picture is up there too. I love them. F hates them. They're all just jealous coz I can still fit into kids sizes. That's shoes only btw. My daddy always said I have small feet coz nothing, apart from mushies, grows in the dark.
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