Well at least it didn't get too wet. This happened on the way to work this morning. I picked the worst time to cycle to work and then my carrier bag broke (didn't realise that it was a nice eco friendly plastic bag that disintegrates in rain) and my knitting landed on the ground. Luckily for me, it was so wet that I'd decided to stop, lock up my bike and take the u-bahn so I had stopped at the time and it was on the pavement in a semi dry place so none of my knitting got run over by trams, cars, trucks or nasty white van drivers (white van drivers tend to be much more agressive than other coloured van drivers). I don't think I'm supposed to knit with lacy lamb ever. The last time I started something with lacy lamb a child threw up on me and my knitting on the train. to top it off, the mother refused to believe that the yarn is €17 per ball and left without even saying "sorry well here's a fiver towards new stuff". Hmm I don't think I'll go into that now as I'm relatively calm at the moment and I don't want to ruin the christmas vibe I've got.
I was supposed to be keeping up with my blogging but things have continued to be as hectic as before. What with 2 trips to NL and a visit from Mum and Auntie not to mention various chrimbo parties and get togethers. Those interfering things have also got in the way of my knitting. I've not finished anything for ages. Well, 1.5 socks, a scarf for a friend of mine(that's the long pink thing on the radiator) and that's about it. The lacy lamb project is the swallow tail shawl for my MIL for christmas. I'm just about to start the 14th 'budding lace 2' repeat so I'm kind of on track for having it finished, blocked and packaged for Thursday. Well I would be if I had from now until late wednesday night uninterrupted knitting time but I don't. My friend Julianne (the soon to be owner of a semi-dry pink silk scarf) is coming tonight for a visit then tomorrow I'm meeting another friend for a gift exchange and Wednesday I'll be traveling to NL. At least I've got a 6 hour train ride to get some more done. I also need to package up some presents for himself and neefje steefje.
My new neefje or nichtje (dutch diminuative form for nephew or niece) hasn't arrived as yet. He or she was supposed to say hello to the world yesterday but probably wants to be called Noel or Carol so is waiting for Christmas day. We'll see.
Well I'm off to get on with some work now. Will do some knitting on my next break (hopefully the yarn will be dry by then)
In case I don't get to post beforehand. Have a great Christmas and an excellent new year when it comes and as we say in some parts of Scotland "Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr."