Thursday, November 27, 2008

Stuck for words

Well I was stuck for words and I was being lazy about blogging AND I've also been kind of busy with work, play, visitors and visiting. At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

the picture above is of a WIP scarf for yours truly here. I need a new one as my scarf from 2 years ago is getting a bit tatty. Time for a homeless person to benefit from it if they want it that is. Anyway the above scarf is in a fake Noro from Karstadt's own brand. Its a merino and silk mix (no polymide or other plastic in it) and was only 3.50 euries per ball so I bought 5 although on knitting it up, I only think I'll need 3 max but I can always make mitts and a hat to match. The pattern is some sort of multi-coloured brioche stitch. The pattern is called the inside out scarf and you can get it here. I didn't stick to the pattern (as usual) and added a few extra stitches. I cast on 37 in total. I kind of need a nice thick and wide scarf for cycling to work in the mornings.

Other knitting things have happened. Loads of socks have been knitted and sent to their recipients. Including the half pair which was given to my best friend at home in Scotland. She insisted on a full pair until I assured her that the other one was still on the needles and that she would get it very soon so she gracefully accepted one sock and a promise that she would have a full pair before Christmas.

I'm off to NL next week for work. Not looking forward to that but that's another story. Staying with a friend there who wants to knit so at least I'll have some sort of fun.

Will try to blog on a more regular basis. I promise.....Yeah yeah, we've all heard that one before.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mmm...well it's nearly a month since your last blog post! tut tut. I have been thinking I might give the Meyer books a try.