Look what I bought!! I don't think his nibs will be able to moan at me for this one as it will be helping tidy up the flat. Well it will tidy out the old tin I'm using at the moment and once that's tidy I can shove more stuff in there thus creating space somewhere else in the flat. Well that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
I also finally caved in and bought some Colinette Jitterbug yarn. Its a nice pinky purpley colour. I know that I don't really need any more sock yarn, never mind pinky purpley sock yarn but I heard soooo many good reports about it AND it was too gorgeous to resist.
I know its been a while since I've posted but I've been kind of busy running around like an eejit as usual. I've been to a couple of stricktrefs and had fun. Also the Seamen made their first appearence live. I still think the Seamen all over Berlin would make brilliant t-shirts. Maybe even 'Pirates of the Mugglezee' on the back or something... I'm off on a tangent again. Anyway I have been finishing projects which is highly unusual for me. One project will be going to its recipient on Saturday so I'll post some piccies after then. My other secret project is the Harry Potter SockSwap. Those are just beeing finshed and put in the post. Same goes for HPSS photo's. The Rowan cardi only has half a sleeve and a collar to go an its done then I don't know what to do. I think I'll finish Berni's jumper. Its been on the back burner for so long that I've forgotten what I was supposed to be doing with it. Well not quite but I have worked out what I'm supposed to be doing with the neck which is something. While deciding on that, I suppose I could be getting on with knitting some socks for Frank. I've got 1 sock almost finished and 2 x 100g balls of bamboo yarn to be knitting. I also want to be knitting some corsages and doing a felted bag and knitting up a skirt which I thought up AND a purse AND start on Christmas presents AND AND AND. So really I think I do know what to do and there is no shortage of projects.
Oh and bunny update. The poor wee soul had a tummy bug or something as she had a dose of the trots and wasn't eating or drinking. Well she had been trying to eat the fixtures in the flat and had a good go at the door and door frame but that's not proper bunny food. Maybe thought she could eat her way into the living room or something. We took her to the vet who gave her a couple of wee jags and she's now doing fine, eating snoepjes again and has thankfully stopped eating the house.
1 comment:
So what is this thing you bought? Was it is especially for needles? or is it for something else and you bought it for your needles. I'd love something like this.
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