I've finished my first pair of Chrismitts. That's my christmas mittens project. Okay I know that its July and that the temperatures are in the 30's but who cares. If I want to knit everyone mittens for christmas 2008 then quite honestly, I should have started in July 2007. Anyway. I'm well chuffed with the result of these ones. The pattern is from the Selbuvotter book and I really like it. These are knitted in Lang's sock wool and Wollmeise's rhubarb (rabarber in german I think). I like the colour change of the contrast colour. It makes the knitting interesting.
I think the next ones will be gloves and at the same time I still need to get Frank's NEC/St Pauli mittens finished. Well I've always got a million projects on at the same time so another one won't make any difference. I know that once I've done those then there will more than likely be a request for another pair for a couple of his friends who are die hard NEC and StPauli fans but they can wait till everyone else has their mittens, socks, jumpers, shawls and a few things which I would like to knit for me.
I've not yet added piccies from our holiday on the bikes but I will try and remember to do that tonight or tomorrow. I also need to update ravelry with some project, stash and other stuff photies. I'm diversing again. We didn't quite make it back to Berlin on the bikes but we did get to the old east/west border and then got the train back from Hizenacker or whatever its called. my achillies got rather sore which is why we stopped there. Otherwise it was straight up the Elbe and then onto the Havel and futher to Berlin but I suppose these things happen. I would still like to do the rest of the journey. Maybe do Berlin Hizenacker or something.
I'm off to Stricktreff now as its Wednesday and its stricktreff and that's what I like to do on Wednesday's.