Thursday, September 14, 2006
Anyway the reason I want the digi camera to work is so that I can upload a piccie of the lovely surprises I got today at work. I walked in to Vania jumping out from behind my desk shouting 'surprise' The minx is supposed to be on holiday, well moving house and not at work anyway AND to top it off she had baked a cake. A very smakelijk cake at that. Also the spare desk was piled with goodies. Well a small trolley case, you know like the ones you used to be able to take on as hand luggage and store in the overhead locker, and a large box with a large bow on top. Inside both packages was loads and loads of dutch goodies like pindakaas (peanut butter to us anglophones), hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles), chocolate, frite saus and lots and lots more. I really can't believe how much stuff I came back with. Its lucky that the wee trolley case had wheels otherwise I would have had very sore arms.
That brings me to another point. Wee felix our car is no longer our car. He's off down to Nijmemgen and has now joined the 94kmph is also a very nice speed even though the limit is 120 club. Frank's mum bought our wee car. Our car bunny Benjamin tells us that Felix is quite happy to go into retirement as he's a bit fed up with traffic jams and being driven up and down to the Hague every day.
Its really nice the way everything is falling into place with the car, the house, the flat in Berlin. Im not really a believer in fate etc but it kind of tells me that the move to Berlin is the right decision. Im sure it is. All we need now is for Frank to find a job there and we'll have landed on our feet. He's a clever lad and I'm pretty sure that he'll find something soon.
I decided to have a rest from knitting tonight. Sometimes its nice to read a book instead. I turned the TV off and put some music on. I must admit that its much more relaxing. Might as well get used to it. I hate german television so I think I'll be listening to a lot more music instead.
I'm still wondering what to get Sarah as a thankyou for being my witness at the wedding and for helping me make the outfit. She did the trousers and helped me pin and cut out the top. I want to get her something that she can keep but not something that will break. Or maybe something that won't break too easily. She does have 4 cats after all. Maybe a book or something sparkly like jewlery or something but then again I'm not sure what to get her. Maybe some silly freindship thing. She'll like that. I'll think about it a bit more in bed. I'm dead sleepy and have the cold. I've just finished the Gran Bel kill or cure you toddie. I think its curing so will go and reap the benefits now.
'trusten en groetjes
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Long Time no Blog

Okay so 3 posts doesn't make me a blogger so I'd better add more to make it worth while. A few things have happened on the way to Berlin. I'm not there yet but will be leaving shortly. First of all we got married. That's me in the green and F in the white shirt. Shame you can't see his legs coz he had a kilt on. My best buddy and myself made my outfit then I did all the embroidery including a nice thistle on the right sleeve to match my thistle tattoo (got that in August on my unofficial hen night). We got married in the Stadsdeelkantoor Oud Zuid in Amsterdam and then went to the Vondelpark for a picnic afterwards. Later on we went with close friends and family to La Caña (the wee tapas bar which I couldn't remember the name of) and stuffed ourselves full of very nice food and sangria. Friday we had a party at the rugby clubhouse. It was mad. All the important people were there and we managed to get through 5 kegs of Heineken and 1 keg of Boon Kriek.
We should have bought 2 of them as they are soooo lekker. My Mum and my Sister were a wee bit drunk at the party but they had great fun. In fact everyone who was there had great fun. I thouroughly reckommend getting married. Its the best party ever.
Saturday was spent nursing hangovers and farting about on a canal boat with some of the friends who came over for the party. The best way to see Amsterdam is by boat. You see it from a completely different angle. Then back to the club house to hose down the floor and check everything was still in one piece.
Between the last blog and now we've been to Berlin 3 times and found a flat in Berlin Mitte. Its such a cool place. We're in the Scheunenviertel which is lovely. There are loads of wee cafés, bars and restaurants just around the corner and we're really close to all of the main tourist attractions which makes it very easy for visitors. Last time we were there we stayed at wee hotel on the same street as we'll be living. I'm having a bit of bother posting a piccie but its called the Hotel Andechser Hof. Its very sweet and not bad on the pocket either.
Well off to do something useful now however, I do promise to try and update my blog a bit more often as it will be nice to keep people posted on what we've been up to while we're there.
See ya, BB x